Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat are good and bad examples of density?This website does not provide good and bad examples of density; however, this website does supply a neutral analysis of a range of densities, development patterns, and designs. How and why were the displayed sites selected?Diverse sites were selected to represent numerous densities and designs within Orange County, Florida. The following categories were represented:
Where were the images acquired?The images used were photos acquired from the Orange County Planning Division and Pictometry Online. How was density classified?Density was classified using the following Orange County Future Land Use Designations:
How can design impact density?Neighborhood settlement patterns typically determine if areas seem comfortably or uncomfortably dense. Repetition of block shape and building type can portray a relentless, overcrowded environment. Therefore, diversity among block shape and building types portrays comfortable density. The pattern of development alters the perception of density in the environment. For instance, the network of streets, orientation of buildings, distance the buildings are set back from the street, addition of landscaping and pedestrian paths can be used to adjust the perception of the density. |