Development Advisory Board
MMBR Liaison: James Auffant
Board Type: Orange County Enabling Legislation:
Enabling legislation was adopted by a motion of the Board of County Commissioners on July 22, 1975 and amended by motion of the Board of County Commissioners on January 19, 1978, and on October 12, 1978. On November 30, 1987, the Orange County Board of County Commissioners amended the enabling legislation to add three members. Resolution No. 91-M-35, adopted on July 8, 1991, amended the terms. On September 24, 1996, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 96-M-46, which decreased the membership to nine members. Resolution No. 2003-M-33, adopted on September 9, 2003, changed the membership to include representatives of homeowners' interests. On July 13, 2010, the board adopted Resolution No. 2010-M-53, which revised the membership categories to include representation of certain interest groups associated with urban and community design, and Resolution No. 2010-M-54, which abolished the Urban Design Commission.
Nine members as follows:
a. Five members, to be known as the core or primary group, shall be appointed to represent each of the following interests:
1. Developer or builder*
2. Licensed architect or licensed landscape architect
3. Certified urban planner
4. Environmental specialist with a degree in a related scientific field
5. Homeowners¿ association/residential representative
b. Four members, to be known as the supplemental or secondary group, shall be appointed to represent four of the following interests:
1. General contractor
2. Professional civil engineer
3. Financial specialist*
4. Homeowners¿ association/residential representative
5. Licensed attorney
6. Developer*(provided the core group does not include a developer)
7. Builder*(provided the core group does not include a builder)
8. Licensed architect (provided the core group does not include a licensed architect)
9. Licensed landscape architect (provided the core group does not include a licensed landscape architect)
*Builder: a person who owns, or is employed by, a company that constructs residential and/or non-residential structure for sale or lease. Developer:a person who owns, or is employed by, a company that buys, sells, improves, and/or manages real estate assets related to residential and/or non-residential projects. Financial specialist: a person who owns, or is employed by, a company that provides the financing for real estate development of residential and/or non-residential projects.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
The terms of office are staggered so that terms of five members shall expire in odd numbered years, and the terms of four members shall expire in even numbered years.
Powers and Duties:
The primary responsibility of the Development Advisory Board is to review proposed Orange County land development regulations affecting development and redevelopment in Orange County and recommend needed changes or revisions to the Board of County Commissioners.
Third Monday of each month, 1:30 p.m., Cypress Room, second floor, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Allison Rice
Planner III Planning Division (407) 836-5603 Last Revised: 12/13/2023
Primary Group (Environmental Specialist) Primary Group (Licensed Architect or Licensed Landscape Architect)
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