Affordable Housing Advisory Board (Liaison: Samuel Vilchez Santiago)
Reviews established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations and adopted comprehensive plan and recommends specific initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing. Meets quarterly at 9:00 a.m. Current Openings:
For-Profit Provider of Affordable Housing
Agricultural Advisory Board (Liaison: Danny Culberson)
Provides recommendations and comments to the County on various proposed County rules, regulations, and ordinances affecting the agricultural industry. Meets first Wednesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. Current Openings:
Flower Plant/Tree, Bed Plant, Lawn/Pest Cont, Citrus, Cattle, Equine, Lawn Maint, Grnhouse, Foliage
Flower Plant/Tree, Bed Plant, Lawn/Pest Cont, Citrus, Cattle, Equine, Lawn Maint, Grnhouse, Foliage
Flower Plant/Tree, Bed Plant, Lawn/Pest Cont, Citrus, Cattle, Equine, Lawn Maint, Grnhouse, Foliage
Big Sand Lake Advisory BoardAssists and advises the County in providing for the general improvement and enhancement of Big Sand Lake. Meets second Tuesday of every other month at 5:00 p.m. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Board of Zoning AdjustmentHears and decides appeals resulting from decisions or determinations made by the Planning or Zoning Department managers, special exceptions, and variances. Meets first Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m. NOTE: Financial Disclosure Required. Current Openings:
District 5 Representative
Building Codes Board of Adjustments and Appeals (Liaison: Evelyn Cardenas)
Hears and decides appeals of building official?s decisions regarding the application or interpretation of technical codes, denial or revocation of permits, technical code variance requests; and applications for certificates of competency. Meets fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Current Openings:
Electrical Engineer or Electrical Contractor
Mechanical Engineer or Mechanical Contractor
Plumbing Contractor
Butler Chain of Lakes Advisory BoardAssists and advises the County on matters relating to the Butler Chain of Lakes Taxing District. Meets third Monday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
At Large Representative
Citizens' Review Panel for Human Services (Liaison: Meka Beacham)
Responsible for evaluating, recommending and monitoring county funding to non-profit human service agencies. Meets as needed. Current Openings:
Member in Training
Commission on Aging (Liaison: Samuel Vilchez Santiago)
Collects information and data on the needs of and services for elders and caregivers; Assists agencies in assessing these needs and services; analyzes the elder-readiness of the County; Meets fourth Tuesday every other month at 10:00 a.m. Current Openings:
Active Caregiver
Business Representative
Community Development Advisory Board (Liaison: Evelyn Cardenas)
Performs studies, conducts hearings, and makes recommendations to the County in setting priorities for allocating the County's entitlement share of the Community Development Block Grant. Meets third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. Current Openings:
District 5 Representative
Development Advisory Board (Liaison: James Auffant)
Reviews proposed Orange County land development regulations affecting development and redevelopment in Orange County. Meets Third Monday of each month, 1:30 p.m. Current Openings:
Primary Group (Developer)
Primary Group (Environmental Specialist)
Primary Group (Licensed Architect or Licensed Landscape Architect)
Disability Advisory Board (Liaison: Samuel Vilchez Santiago)
Addresses problems such as limited access of public accommodations and recommends priority funding needs of the disabled to the County. Meets second Monday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
At Large Representative
Environmental Protection Commission (Liaison: Evelyn Cardenas)
Recommends revisions, as appropriate, to regulations affecting the continuing protection of the environmental quality of the air, water, and land in the County. Meets last Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Current Openings:
Agricultural Interests Representative
At Large Representative
Health Council of East Central Florida (Liaison: Greg Mellowe)
Makes recommendations regarding health care resource allocation and increases public awareness of community health needs. Meets fourth Wednesday of every other month at 2:00 p.m. Current Openings:
Health Care Purchaser
Lake Anderson Advisory BoardAdvises the County regarding the administration and operation of the Lake Anderson MSBU. Meets third Thursday of the second month of each quarter at 5:00 p.m. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Lake Conway Water and Navigation Control District Advisory BoardAssist and Advise the County on matters relating to the Lake Conway Special Taxing District. Meets second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Lake Price Advisory BoardAssists and advises the County in providing for the general improvement and enhancement of the lake. Meets quarterly. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Lake Rose Advisory BoardAssists and advises the County regarding the administration and operation of the Lake Rose MSTU in matters related to aquatic plant management. Meets as needed. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Lake Sue Advisory BoardAssists and advises the County in providing for the general improvement of Lake Sue. Meetings are TBD. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Little Lake Fairview Advisory BoardAssists and advises the County in providing for the general improvement and enhancement of Little Lake Fairview. Meets as needed. Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Membership and Mission Review BoardReviews applications for appointment to Orange County advisory boards; makes recommendations to the County concerning appointments and continued existence of advisory boards. Meets third Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. Current Openings:
District 5 Representative
Orange County Research and Development Authority (Liaison: Greg Mellowe)
Aids in the development, operation, management and financing of the University of Central Florida Research Park. Meets third Thursday of every other month (J, M, M, J, S, N) at 10:30 a.m., NOTE: Financial Disclosure Required Current Openings:
At Large Representative
Pine Hills Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Advisory CouncilFormulates plans for and prioritizes improvements to the Pine Hills Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District. Meets first Wednesday each month at 9:00 a.m. Current Openings:
Mayor's Representative