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Citizens' Commission for Children

MMBR Liaison: Meka Beacham

Board Type: Orange County
Enabling Legislation:
The Orange County Citizens' Commission for Children was created by Resolution No. 89-M-48 adopted by the Board of County Commissioners at its meeting of August 7, 1989, for the purpose of improving the lives of children, youth and families in Orange County. On January 28, 1997, the Board adopted Resolution No. 97-M-03 replacing Resolution No. 89-M-48 and restating the Orange County Citizens' Commission for Children, clarifying the duties of the Commission, providing for the number of members, terms and qualifications, and providing for submission of annual reports. On October 30, 2018, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2018-M-44, increasing the membership by five, allowing for the creation of subcommittees, and making the Mayor/Commissioner slot a voting slot in the event of a tie.
The Citizens' Commission for Children shall consist of 15 members. Five members shall be voting, ex officio positions as follows: Orange County superintendent of schools or designee; a local school board member; the district administrator for the local district of the Department of Children and Families or designee; a judge assigned to handling juvenile cases in Orange County, to be designated by the chief judge of Orange County; and the director of the Orange County Health Department or designee. Nine members shall be electors of or represent entities in Orange County and shall be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and one member shall be a member of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Mayor. This fifteenth member shall be a voting member appointed by the County Mayor and confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Member Types:
  • 8 At Large Representative
  • 1 DCF District Administrator or Designee
  • 1 Juvenile Court Judge
  • 1 Local School Board Member
  • 1 Mayor or County Commissioner
  • 1 Orange County Health Department Director or Designee
  • 1 Orange County Superintendent of Schools or Designee
Term Length: 2 Years
Term Of Office:
Each member shall serve a term of two years. Non ex officio members shall serve staggered terms so that the terms of four members shall expire in even-numbered years and the terms of five members shall expire in odd-numbered years.
Powers and Duties:
The Citizens' Commission for Children (Commission) shall review the planning and coordination of services for and on behalf of children, youth and their families in Orange County as such planning and coordination is performed by the Orange County Citizens' Commission for Children Division (the Division). The Commission shall assist the Division in planning and evaluating the service needs of children, youth and families; shall serve as a clearinghouse for information regarding children, youth and families; shall render advice and recommendations to the Division on plans for developing an integrated and coordinated approach to services for children, youth and families of Orange County; shall serve as a catalyst for coordinated community responses to the needs of children, youth and families; shall review the Division's recommendations for funding and evaluating children, youth and family services funded by the Division; shall support the Division's collaboration with other organizations, including state and municipal governments, philanthropic organizations and other sectors of the community in joint planning of services for children, youth and families; and shall assist in the development of alternative non-governmental funding sources for service provider agencies and organizations.
First Friday of second month of each quarter, 8:30 a.m., Facilities Training Room, 2010 E. Michigan Street, Orlando, FL 32806

Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar.

Contact Person:
Angela Chestang
Citizens' Commission for Children Division
(407) 836-6541
Each year the Division shall prepare and submit to the Board of County Commissioners an annual plan. Said plan shall provide an assessment of how current services funded by Orange County through the Division are fulfilling the needs of the children, youth and families of Orange County; any recommendations for improving the delivery of services to children, youth and families of Orange County; and an overview of funding proposals for children, youth and families services funded through the Division for the next fiscal year. The Board of County Commissioners shall formally receive the annual plan, shall request any additions or modifications as it may deem appropriate, and shall adopt, modify or reject the plan in whole or in part as it considers proper or necessary.

Last Revised: 10/23/2023

Member Name Member Type Term Expires
Harold Border Orange County Superintendent of Schools or Designee 12/31/2026
Marquitta Caesar At Large Representative 12/31/2026
Talia P. Decant At Large Representative 12/31/2025
Vicki-Elaine Felder Local School Board Member 12/31/2026
David M. Grimm At Large Representative 12/31/2026
Shannon Gridley Hesse At Large Representative 12/31/2024
Alicia L. Latimore Juvenile Court Judge 12/31/2026
Willie J. Montague At Large Representative 12/31/2026
Tina Morgan DCF District Administrator or Designee 12/31/2026
Tadar Muhammad At Large Representative 12/31/2024
Madeleine Plumey Cruz At Large Representative 12/31/2024
Leo A. Robinson At Large Representative 12/31/2025
Commissioner Michael Scott Mayor or County Commissioner 12/31/2026
Penny Ricks Smith Orange County Health Department Director or Designee 12/31/2026

At Large Representative
   (3 positions)

February 7, 2025

  • Agenda - February 7, 2025 Agenda.pdf

December 13, 2024

  • Agenda - December 13, 2024 Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - Draft Minutes - December 2024.pdf (Draft)*

November 1, 2024

  • Agenda - November 1, 2024 Agenda.pdf

August 23, 2024

  • Agenda - August 23, 2024 Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - Minutes - August 23, 2024.pdf

*This document is a draft and is provided as a courtesy. This document is not to be considered as the final minutes. All information contained herein is subject to change upon further review and approval by the appropriate agency/board/committee.