Building Codes Board of Adjustments and Appeals
MMBR Liaison: Evelyn Cardenas
Board Type: Orange County Enabling Legislation:
Section 9-4 of the Orange County Code. On December 9, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners authorized a revision to the County Code to reduce the number of members to 13. On April 28, 2009 the Board approved Ordinance No. 2009-12 which deleted the at large from professions representative category, the at large not from professions representative category, the fire sprinkler contractor representative category, the mechanical contractor representative category. The mechanical engineer representativecategory was revised to a mechanical engineer or mechanical contractor representative category. The Electrical Engineer Representing the Electric Utility Industry industry was revised to a electrical engineer or electrical contractor representative category. The ordinance also added three slots for consumer representatives who are residents of the local jurisdiction and are not, and have never been, a member or practitioner of a profession regulated by the board or of any closely related profession.
Eleven members members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
Members of the Board shall serve two year terms to begin on January 1st. A regular member shall not serve more than three consecutive terms.
Powers and Duties:
1) To hear any appeals from a decision of the building official as to the application or interpretation of a technical code pursuant to Section 9-21, Orange County Code;
2) To hear any appeal from a joint decision of the building official and the fire official, which appeal shall be subject to the terms of Section 553.73(8), Florida Statutes;
3) To resolve conflicts in favor of the code which offers the greatest degree of life safety or alternatives which would provide an equivalent degree of life safety and an equivalent method of construction in the event that the building official and the fire official are unable to agree on a resolution of a conflict between a building code and the fire prevention code;
4) To hear any appeals of a denial or revocation of a permit pursuant to Section 9-21 of the Orange County Code;
5) To hear any requests for variances from the application of any technical code pursuant to Section 9-21 of the Orange County Code;
6) To hear any appeal from a decision of the building official regarding an application for a certificate of competency;
7) To review and propose amendments to the building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, or gas codes in effect in or applicable to the unincorporated area of Orange County, and any other laws, ordinances and regulations in the Orange County Code pertaining to building and fire prevention and protection, including those relating to swimming pools, roofing and sheet metal, irrigation, and water wells, but excluding those relating to housing, moving of structures, and underground utilities pipelines;
8) To issue a cease and desist order to prohibit any person from engaging in the business of contracting who does not hold the required certificate of competency or registration for the work being performed;
9) To act as a liaison between Orange County Government and the construction industry;
10) To conduct grievance hearings on charges brought against a holder.
Fourth Wednesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., Board of County Commissioners Chambers, First Floor, County Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Tom Allen
Building Official Division of Building Safety (407) 836-5824 Last Revised: 2/21/2024
Electrical Engineer or Electrical Contractor Mechanical Engineer or Mechanical Contractor
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