Membership and Mission Review Board
Board Type: Exempt
Enabling Legislation:
The Membership and Mission Review Board was created by Ordinance No. 91-21, effective October 11, 1991. Ordinance No. 93-09, effective April 29, 1993, changed the terms of office of the members to coincide with the terms of office of the Board of County Commissioners. Ordinance No. 93-18, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on July 13, 1993, increased the membership to nine.
Membership shall consist of nine members as follow: six members, one appointed by each of the six district commissioners, one member appointed by the County Mayor, and two at large members to be appointed by the county commission. Each appointment shall take effect only if confirmed by vote of the Board.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
Initial appointments made as follows: the appointees of the commissioners from Districts 1, 3 and 5 and the County Mayor's appointee were appointed for terms to expire on December 31, 1992; the remaining three members were appointed for terms to expire on December 31, 1993. Ordinance No. 93-09 amended the terms of the six district appointees and the Chairman's appointee to expire on December 31 of even-numbered years and for the terms of the two at large appointees to expire on December 31 of odd-numbered years.
Powers and Duties:
1) To review applications and make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners concerning appointments to advisory boards;
2) To coordinate, along with the appropriate county staff, all advertisements of advisory board vacancies and orientation sessions for new advisory board members;
3) To conduct periodic sunset reviews of existing advisory boards;
4) To perform such other undertakings related to advisory boards as may be assigned by the Board of County Commissioners.
Third Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m., OMB Conference Room, Third Floor, Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Ashana Lawrence
Agenda Development Coordinator Agenda Development Office (407) 836-5483 Last Revised: 12/6/2018
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