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MetroPlan Orlando Community Advisory Committee

MMBR Liaison: Todd Weaver

Board Type: Multi-Jurisdictional
Enabling Legislation:
The MetroPlan Orlando Community Advisory Committee was created in accordance with the 1962 Federal Highway Act. Bylaws were revised on December 8, 1989. On July 7, 2015, MetroPlan Orlando approved the bylaws of the MetroPlan Orlando Community Advisory Committee, which combined the Citizens Advisory Committee and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
The 31-member committee shall be comprised of representatives from Orange, Seminole, and Osceola Counties. Fifteen shall be geographic seats appointed at large from the jurisdictions, and 16 shall be appointed by the MetroPlan Orlando Board. Municipal appointments shall be from the two largest municipalities in each county as determined by the University of Florida or U.S. Census population figures, whichever is most recent. 1) Geographic Appointees shall be as follows: Orange County (3), Seminole County (3), Osceola County (3), Orange County Municipalities (2), Seminole County Municipalities (2), and Osceola County Municipalities (2). All geographic members shall reside in and be appointed by their respective county or municipality. In selecting new members for appointment, the appointing jurisdiction should consider the personal qualification of the individuals as lay people in the community, outside the transportation industry, and should strive to include ethnic, social, and economic diversity. They shall not be elected officials. 2) MetroPlan Orlando Board Appointees shall be as follows: Multimodal Advocates (10), Underserved (3), Transportation Disadvantaged (2 - disabled or elderly), and Business Community (1). 3) Non-voting members shall represent LYNX and the Florida DOT District Five Planning Office. 4) Alternate members may be appointed by the appointing authority as necessary. These alternates will serve in the absence of the primary members and have the same right to vote and comment on agenda items. Designated alternates shall not be elected officials, must also be lay persons outside of the transportation industry, and reside within the geographic boundaries of the city or county.
Member Types:
  • 3 Orange County Representative
Term Length: 4 Years
Powers and Duties:
The MetroPlan Orlando Community Advisory Committee shall: 1) Advise MetroPlan Orlando on public opinion related to transportation issues from a diverse range of perspectives. 2) Address stakeholder interests related to all modes of transportation (including, but not limited to private motor vehicles, bicycling, walking, freight, and transit) so that proper study and evaluation of transportation needs shall result in a safe, balanced, and multi-modal transportation system. 3) Provide an effective stakeholders' review of the preliminary findings and recommendations of MetroPlan Orlando¿s plans, studies, and issues. 4) Participate in the amendment process to the Long Range Transportation Plan by providing comment. 5) Assist in other mission/functions as deemed desirable by MetroPlan Orlando, including member appointments to ad hoc subcommittees that may be formed for the purpose of specifically addressing roadways, bicycle, pedestrian, and/or transit-related issues.
Fourth Wednesday of certain months at 9:30 a.m., 250 S. Orange Ave., Suite 200, Orlando, FL

Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar.

Contact Person:
Mary Ann Horne
Community Outreach Specialist
MetroPlan Orlando
(407) 481-5672 ext. 305

Last Revised: 1/29/2025

Member Name Member Type Term Expires
John William Ashton Orange County Representative 12/31/2027
Joseph E. Caesar Orange County Representative 12/31/2027
Janette Gort Frevola Orange County Representative 12/31/2027

No vacancies at this time. Please check back later.

Agendas/minutes information is not currently available.