Health Council of East Central Florida
MMBR Liaison: Lynetta Johnson
Board Type: Multi-Jurisdictional Enabling Legislation:
Section 381.493 (Rev 408.033), Florida Statutes, took effect October 1, 1982.
The Board of County Commissioners appoints six members to the Health Council. Effective October 1, 1984, the Board of County Commissioners made appointments as follows: two health care providers, two health care purchasers and health care consumers as defined in the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services rules. Further amended in 1988, the Council includes two health care providers, one health care purchaser, two health care consumers, and one elderly consumer representative.
In September 1989, the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services redefined the membership of the Council in order to bring it into compliance with statutory requirements. Appointments now consist of two health care providers, two health care purchasers, and two health care consumers. One consumer representative must be a person over 60 years of age.
Member Types:
Powers and Duties:
1. Develop a district or regional area health plan. 2. Advise the state agency on health cares issues and resource allocations. 3. Promote public awareness of community health needs. 4. Collect data and conduct analyses and studies related to health care needs of the district. 5. Advise and assist regional planning councils and local governments. 6. Monitor funds distributed to meet the needs of the medically indigent and underserved groups. 7. Plan for services for persons infected with HIV. 8. Provide technical assistance to meet the health care objectives and policies of the council. 9. Provide data for review of certificate-of-need applications.
Fourth Wednesday of every other month at 2:00 p.m., 5931 Brick Court, Conference Room, Winter Park, FL
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Jeff Feller
Executive Director Health Council of East Central Florida (866) 991-3652 ext. 702 Last Revised: 1/29/2025
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