Library Board of Trustees
Board Type: Exempt
Enabling Legislation:
Chapter 80-555, Laws of Florida, was enacted on June 19, 1980, and authorized the creation of the Orange County Library District and the Orange County Library Board of Trustees. Voters approved a bond issue for creation of the Orange County Library District on September 9, 1980. Chapters 81-450 and 91-372, Laws of Florida, modified the powers of the Governing Board, added one member to the Governing Board to be appointed by the City of Orlando, and modified the duties of the Library Board of Trustees. The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 98-M-25A on August 4, 1998, declaring support for the codification of Chapters 81-450 and 91-372, Laws of Florida. Subsequently, the Florida Legislature enacted Chapter 99-486, Laws of Florida, codifying and reenacting Chapters 81-450 and 91-372, Laws of Florida. Chapter 99-486, Laws of Florida, was approved by the Governor on June 4, 1999.
The Orange County Library Board of Trustees shall consist of five members appointed by the Library District Governing Board. Two members shall be nominees of the City of Orlando and three members shall be nominees of Orange County.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
Terms are for four years, except that each member shall continue to serve beyond his or her term until a successor is appointed, and the term of the successor shall be reduced by the amount of the holdover. No member shall serve more than two full terms consecutively or more than 10 consecutive years.
Powers and Duties:
The primary responsibilities of the Orange County Library Board of Trustees are to manage, administer, operate, supervise, oversee, and maintain all library facilities and services, programs, and functions for the benefit of the residents of the Orange County Library District, specifically:
A) to acquire real and personal property for library purposes;
B) to employ personnel for library purposes;
C) to enter into contracts to the extent expressly approved by the Governing Board;
D) to adopt and implement policies and procedures for the operation of the library; and
E) to submit a budget to the Governing Board for adoption of the millage rate.
Second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Location changes monthly; call (407) 835-7323 for further information.
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Steven Powell
Executive Director/CEO Orange County Library System (407) 835-7323 Notes:
Financial Disclosure is required.
Last Revised: 10/16/2019
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