Health Facilities Authority
MMBR Liaison: Meka Beacham
Board Type: Orange County Enabling Legislation:
The Orange County Health Facilities Authority was established by Orange County Ordinance No. 77-13, effective January 6, 1978, pursuant to the Health Facilities Authorities Law, Chapter 74-323, Laws of Florida (Part III of Chapter 154, Florida Statutes). The ordinance was amended on June 10, 1979, and assigned No. 79-17.
Five members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
All members shall serve until a successor is appointed and has qualified.
Powers and Duties:
Chapter 154.209, F.S., outlines the powers of the Authority. The Authority may issue tax exempt bonds and refunding bonds to finance projects. Another power is to employ consulting engineers, architects, surveyors, attorneys, accountants, financial experts, and such other employees and agents as may be necessary in its judgment and to fix their compensation.
Contact Person:
Dale Burket, Esq.
Lowndes (407) 418-6363 Notes:
Financial disclosure is required.
Last Revised: 3/18/2019
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