Environmental Protection Commission
MMBR Liaison: Evelyn Cardenas
Board Type: Orange County Enabling Legislation:
The Environmental Protection Commission was created by special act of the Florida Legislature, Special Acts Chapter 67-1830. House Bill 1031, effective May 19, 1984, renamed the commission formerly known as the Pollution Control Board. Ordinance No. 96-37, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on November 12, 1996, increased the number of members to seven. Ordinance 25-02, adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 28, 2025, decreased the number of private business or municipalities representatives to one; increased the citizen representatives to two; and modified membership categories language.
Seven members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Members must be Orange County residents and registered to vote.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
Initial terms of three members to expire December 31 in even-numbered years; initial terms of four members to expire December 31 in odd-numbered years. Thereafter, all appointments shall be made for the term of two years.
Powers and Duties:
The Environmental Protection Commission shall have the following duties, functions, powers, and responsibilities:
A) Recommend revisions and amendments from time to time of appropriate rules and regulations reasonably necessary for the implementation and effective enforcement, administration, and interpretation of the provisions of the act [article] that provide for the effective and continuing protection of the environmental quality of the air, water, and land in the county.
B) To review staff recommendations for appropriate fees to be charged by the county for the services rendered by the county under the provisions of this act [article].
C) To hold public hearings on appeals of staff decisions regarding environmental permits as designated by the Board of County Commissioners and, after publicly discussing the application and taking testimony and evidence from the applicant and public, submit its recommendation on the application to the Board of County Commissioners.
D) To perform such other related duties, functions, and responsibilities as may be assigned to the commission from time to time by the Board of County Commissioners.
E) To make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners regarding improvements to the natural resources and environmental issues.
Last Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m., Environmental Protection Division, 3165 McCrory Place, Suite 200, Orlando, FL 32803
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Jane Gregory
Environmental Programs Administrator Environmental Protection Division (407) 836-1404 Last Revised: 2/26/2025
Agricultural Interests Representative At Large Representative
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