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Planning and Zoning Commission

Board Type: Exempt
Enabling Legislation:
Special Acts, Chapter 63-1716; Ordinance No. 91-11 effective June 3, 1991; Ordinanace No. 2003-17 effective November 17, 2003; and Ordinance No. 2009-03, effective February 23, 2009.
Eleven members to be appointed in the following manner: One resident from each commission district, appointed by the district commissioner. One At Large appointed by the County Mayor. Two at large members nominated by the County Mayor or any County Commissioner and appointed by the full Board. One non-voting member to appointed by the Orange County School Board to attend those meetings at which the commission considers comprehensive plan amendments and rezoning that would, if approved, increase residential density on the property that is the subject of the application. One non-voting, ex officio member appointed by and representing Naval Support Activity Orlando (exempt from filing Financial Disclosure). All appointees shall be residents of the county for at least the two (2) years immediately prior to their appointment. All appointments must be confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Member Types:
  • 2 At Large Representative
  • 1 District 1 Representative
  • 1 District 2 Representative
  • 1 District 3 Representative
  • 1 District 4 Representative
  • 1 District 5 Representative
  • 1 District 6 Representative
  • 1 Mayor's Representative
Term Length: 2 Years
Term Of Office:
Ordinance No. 93-09, adopted April 20, 1993, revised the enabling legislation to provide that the terms of appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission shall expire on December 31 of even-numbered years, except that terms of office of the two "at large" members shall expire on December 31 of odd-numbered years. On November 11, 2003, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 2003-17, which provides that if a newly-elected county commissioner's or county mayor's recommendation is confirmed by the Board of County Commissioners prior to the December 31 of an even-numbered year, the incumbent member's term shall expire, and the newly-appointed member's term shall begin as of the date of confirmation by the Board of County Commissioners, and the term of office for the school board's appointed member shall expire at midnight on December 31 of odd-numbered years. A member of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall not serve more than four consecutive terms. All appointments shall continue to be effective until their successors are chosen. Any member of the Planning and Zoning Commission may be removed from office for failure to regularly attend the meetings of the commission without just cause, or for any other just cause, by a four-sevenths vote of the Board of County Commissioners; provided the member shall be entitled to a public hearing before such vote is taken.
Powers and Duties:
1) To acquire and maintain in current form such basic information and materials such as maps and photographs of man-made and natural physical features of the area concerned, statistics on past trends and present conditions with respect to population, property values, economic base, land use and such other information as is important or likely to be important in determining the amount, direction and kind of development to be expected in the area and its various parts. 2) To prepare, amend and/or revise comprehensive and coordinated general plan for meeting present requirements and such future requirements as may be foreseen; to prepare, amend and/or revise an official map showing the zones and districts as established by the comprehensive plan. 3) To establish principles and policies for guiding action in the development of the area. 4) To prepare and recommend to the Board of County Commissioners resolutions promoting orderly development along the lines indicated in the comprehensive plan. 5) To determine whether specific proposed developments conform to the principles and requirements of the comprehensive plan for the growth and development of the area and to approve all plats in accordance with the standards and requirements of the comprehensive plan and the regulations adopted thereunder. 6) To provide for an orderly street development and alignment in all plats and subdivisions developed in Orange County. 7) To conduct such public hearings as may be required to gather information necessary for the drafting, establishment, and maintenance of the comprehensive plan and such additional public hearings as are specified under the provisions of the Act. 8) To make similar and compatible use determinations, provided each such determination relates to a specifically enumerated permitted use in the zoning district for which the determination is sought, each determination furthers the intent and purpose of the particular zoning district.
Third Thursday of each month at 9:00 a.m., Board of County Commissioners Chambers, First Floor, County Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL

Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar.

Contact Person:
Jason Sorensen
Chief Planner
Planning Division
(407) 836-5602
Financial disclosure is required.

Last Revised: 10/5/2020

Member Name Member Type Term Expires
Michael Arrington Mayor's Representative 12/31/2024
David Boers District 1 Representative 12/31/2024
Evelyn M. Cardenas At Large Representative 12/31/2025
Camille Marie Evans District 6 Representative 12/31/2024
Eduardo Fernandez District 3 Representative 12/31/2024
Eric B Gray District 4 Representative 12/31/2024
Nelson N. Pena At Large Representative 12/31/2025
J. Gordon Spears District 5 Representative 12/31/2024
George J. Wiggins District 2 Representative 12/31/2024

No vacancies at this time. Please check back later.

June 20, 2024

  • Agenda - June Planning and Zoning Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - May, 2024 Minutes.pdf (Draft)*

May 29, 2024

  • Agenda - Agenda.pdf

May 16, 2024

  • Agenda - May 16, 2024 PZC Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - signed minutes may.pdf

April 18, 2024

  • Agenda - April Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - Signed April minutes.pdf

March 21, 2024

  • Agenda - March 21, 2024 Planning and Zoning Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - Signed March Minutes.pdf

February 15, 2024

  • Agenda - February Planning and Zoning Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - February 15, 2024 Minutes.pdf (Draft)*

January 18, 2024

  • Agenda - January 18th Planning and Zoning Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - Approved minutes January.pdf

December 21, 2023

  • Agenda - December 21, 2023 Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - December 21 2023 Minutes.pdf (Draft)*

December 14, 2023

  • Agenda - Agenda for December 14, 2023.pdf

November 16, 2023

  • Agenda - Revised Agenda November.pdf
  • Minutes - Signed meeting minutes November.pdf

October 19, 2023

  • Agenda - Agenda October 19, 2023.pdf
  • Minutes - signed october minutes.pdf

September 21, 2023

  • Agenda - Signed Agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - September 2023 minutes.pdf

August 17, 2023

  • Agenda - signed agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - signed august minutes.pdf

July 20, 2023

  • Agenda - July PZC Revised agenda.pdf
  • Minutes - signed minutes July.pdf

*This document is a draft and is provided as a courtesy. This document is not to be considered as the final minutes. All information contained herein is subject to change upon further review and approval by the appropriate agency/board/committee.