Industrial Development Authority
MMBR Liaison: James Auffant
Board Type: Orange County Enabling Legislation:
Chapter 159, Florida Statutes, authorizes the creation of industrial development authorities. A resolution was adopted on January 30, 1979, by the Board of County Commissioners.
Five members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.
Each member of the Authority, before entering upon their duties, shall take and subscribe the oath or affirmation required by the State Constitution. A record of each such oath shall be filed with the Department of State and with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
A member of the Authority is eligible for reappointment.
Powers and Duties:
Chapter 159.47, F.S., outlines the powers of the Authority. The Authority may issue revenue bonds or other debt obligations repayable solely from revenues derived from the sale, operation, or leasing of capital projects. Another power is to acquire by lease, purchase, or option real and personal property for use as sites for the location of projects as defined in the Florida Industrial Development Financing Act.
Third Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m., OMB Conference Room, Third Floor, County Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Jordan DeWitt
Director, Policy and Strategic Initiatives Orlando Economic Partnership (407) 639-8464 Notes:
Financial disclosure is required.
Last Revised: 3/18/2019
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