Housing Finance Authority
Board Type: Orange County
Enabling Legislation:
The Orange County Housing Finance Authority was established by Orange County Ordinance No. 78-18, effective November 3, 1978, and passed by the Board of County Commissioners on October 31, 1978, pursuant to Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida. A resolution was adopted November 28, 1978, to include transacting business and exercising powers pursuant to Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida.
Five members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners, one of whom shall be designated by the Board as Chairman. Not less than three of the members shall be knowledgeable in one of the following fields: labor, finance, or commerce.
Member Types:
Term Of Office:
The terms of the members are staggered.
NOTE: A member of the Housing Finance authority shall hold office until his successor has been appointed and has qualified. Each vacancy shall be filled by the Board of County Commissioners for the remainder of the unexpired term.
A certificate of appointment or reappointment of any member shall be filed with the Comptroller of Orange County.
Powers and Duties:
Chapter 78-89, Laws of Florida, outlines the powers and duties of the Authority. The Authority may employ such agents and employees as it may require and may delegate to an agent or employee such powers or duties as deemed proper. Legal counsel for the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County shall serve as legal counsel for the Housing Finance Authority unless by majority vote the Authority decides to employ different counsel.
The Authority shall make, purchase, and sell loans for qualifying housing developments; shall issue bonds and limit sources from which such bonds are payable.
A member shall receive no compensation for his services, but shall be entitled to necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in his duties.
First Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m., Board of County Commissioners Chambers, First Floor, County Administration Center, 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando, FL
Learn more about Orange County public meetings at County Calendar. Contact Person:
Frantz Dutes
Interim Executive Director Housing Finance Authority (407) 894-0014 Notes:
Financial disclosure is required.
The Housing Finance Authority is considered to be an office under the Florida Constitution per the County Attorney's Office.
Last Revised: 2/6/2024
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